In this section we will explain how to join testnets, where to find testnet configurations, and some scripts to make the process faster.

# Select Your Network

You can find active and in-active testnet information such as configs and endpoints on CosmWasm/testnets (opens new window).

# Setup

Let's start rolling your node and start producing blocks in testnet environment.

Before starting, you can use CosmWasm/tesnets/devops (opens new window) that contains easy setup scripts for wasmd node, faucet, block explorer (opens new window), lcd, nginx etc. Scripts below does the some thing as devops repo in essence, just more manual and excludes nginx and system supervisor. Feel free to use them.

First of all make sure you followed the installation steps in build requirements section. You should have the required binaries. If you just want to copy and execute the scripts below, make sure to set up environment variables:

Below is the musselnet configuration (opens new window).

Copy export CHAIN_ID="musselnet-2" export TESTNET_NAME="musselnet" export WASMD_VERSION="v0.14.0" export CONFIG_DIR=".wasmd" export BINARY="wasmd" export COSMJS_VERSION="v0.23.2" export GENESIS_URL="" export APP_CONFIG_URL="" export CONFIG_URL="" export RPC="" export LCD="" export FAUCET="" export SEED_NODE="a4ef6bf25dec4402ade0ce280e614453973e6f2e@"

For running these scripts seamlessly, We recommend you to create a directory for CosmWasm tooling: mkdir CosmWasm && cd CosmWasm && export CW_DIR=$(pwd)

Copy cd $CW_DIR git clone cd wasmd # Check which version to use on testnets repo git checkout $WASMD_VERSION # build wasmd make build # add the executables to path export PATH="${PATH}:$(pwd)/build"

Initialize wallet using command:

Copy # create wallet wasmd keys add mywallet

# Joining Live Testnets

# Run wasmd Full Node

Copy export MONIKER=new_validator # initialize wasmd configuration wasmd init $MONIKER # get the testnets genesis file curl -sSL $GENESIS_URL > ~/.wasmd/config/genesis.json # get app.toml. Minimum gas prices must be 0.025umayo curl -sSL $APP_CONFIG_URL > ~/.wasmd/config/app.toml # You need to configure p2p seeds # Either you can insert the seed addresses in $HOME/.wasmd/config/config.toml to "seeds" # For simplicity we will pass the seed ID and domain as argument # You can get the seed it using command: ## Start wasmd wasmd start --p2p.seeds $SEED_NODE

Now you should be seeing blocks being replayed and your node is catching up with the testnet. This could take a while.

# Become A Validator(optional)

In order to join the network as validator, you need some staking tokens. Please ask some in discord testnets channel (opens new window)

If you want to participate in active block building, you need some coins staked to your validators address.

For those interested in validator stack, here is a good reading source on validator architectures: certus one blog (opens new window)

Note: make sure your validator is synced before upgrading to validator

Copy wasmd tx staking create-validator \ --amount=100000000ufrites \ --pubkey=$(wasmd tendermint show-validator) \ --moniker=$MONIKER \ --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID \ --commission-rate="0.10" \ --commission-max-rate="0.20" \ --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \ --min-self-delegation="1" \ --node $RPC \ --fees=5000umayo \ --from=mywallet

# Run the Light Client Daemon

With wasmd version v0.13 lcd client and node merged. To enable light client, change app.toml/api value to true.

# Joining To Be Launched Testnets

You need to have your address and informations defined in networks genesis file to join not yet launched testnets. Here is the script you can run to take care of it automatically.

Copy cd $CW_DIR ## Fork to your account and clone. ## You cannot push directly to CosmWasm/testnets repo git clone<your-name>/testnets cd testnets git checkout -b add-gen-acc-<validator-name> cd $TESTNET_NAME wasmd keys add validator wasmd add-genesis-account --home . $(wasmd keys show -a validator) 100000000ufrites,100000000umayo # please sort the genesis file, so the diff makes sense SORTED=$(jq -S . < ./config/genesis.json) && echo "$SORTED" > ./config/genesis.json git add ./config/genesis.json git commit -m "Add <myvalidator> account to network genesis" git push # Open PR to CosmWasm/testnets:master (

After the network is launched you can follow Joining Live Testnets.

# Deploying Contracts to Testnet

Getting Started section is the best reading source that teaches you the process of compiling and deploying contracts using a basic smart contract. If you are interested in developing your own contracts, after reading getting started tutorials head to Hijacking Escrow where you play around with the example escrow contract.