# Build Requirements

For minimum system requirements instances with 2 processor CPU and 4GB memory is recommended. Building code may require larger instances, especially if you want to build a static instance (recompile Rust code).

# Installation

Node executable may vary between networks, and Option 1 might become obsolete. Network details, configuration and informations can be found on CosmWasm/testnets (opens new window). Please head over to the repo and explore before starting setting up a node.

# Simplest

Use docker image, or build locally: https://github.com/CosmWasm/wasmd/#dockerized.

# Bare Metal

# Option 1 (preferred - build static binary using docker - Linux only)

Constructing a wasmd is a tricky process and involves using Alpine Linux as a build environment and recompiling the Rust dependencies as static libs. Using Dockerfile is suggested.

  1. Clone the project git clone https://github.com/CosmWasm/wasmd.git && cd wasmd

  2. Checkout to testnets version git checkout vx.x.x

  3. Build docker image docker build . -t wasmd-docker

  4. Extract the specific binaries from build environment:

    Copy id=$(docker create wasmd-docker) docker cp $id:/usr/bin/wasmd . docker rm -v $id
  5. Use the static binaries on any bare metal Linux box

# Option 2: (dev-style: dynamic binary - works on Linux and OSX)

  1. git clone https://github.com/CosmWasm/wasmd.git && cd wasmd
  2. Checkout to testnets version git checkout vx.x.x
  3. Compile dev build: make build
  4. Move to binary to desired location