# Uploading and Interacting

We have the binary ready. Now it is time to see some wasm action. You can use Go CLI or Node Console as you wish.

# Go CLI

We generated a wasm binary executable in the previous chapter. Let's put it into use. Now, we will upload the code to the blockchain. Afterwards, you can download the bytecode to verify it is proper:

Copy # see how many codes we have now wasmd query wasm list-code $NODE # gas is huge due to wasm size... but auto-zipping reduced this from 1.8M to around 600k # you can see the code in the result RES=$(wasmd tx wasm store contract.wasm --from fred $TXFLAG -y) # you can also get the code this way CODE_ID=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.logs[0].events[0].attributes[-1].value') # no contracts yet, this should return `null` wasmd query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID $NODE $NODE # you can also download the wasm from the chain and check that the diff between them is empty wasmd query wasm code $CODE_ID $NODE download.wasm diff contract.wasm download.wasm

# Instantiating the Contract

We can now create an instance of this wasm contract. Here the verifier will fund an escrow, that will allow fred to control payout and upon release, the funds go to bob.

Copy # instantiate contract and verify INIT=$(jq -n --arg fred $(wasmd keys show -a fred) --arg bob $(wasmd keys show -a bob) '{"arbiter":$fred,"recipient":$bob}') wasmd tx wasm instantiate $CODE_ID "$INIT" \ --from fred --amount=50000umayo --label "escrow 1" $TXFLAG -y # check the contract state (and account balance) wasmd query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID $NODE CONTRACT=$(wasmd query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID $NODE | jq -r '.[0].address') echo $CONTRACT # we should see this contract with 50000umayo wasmd query wasm contract $CONTRACT $NODE wasmd query account $CONTRACT $NODE # you can dump entire contract state wasmd query wasm contract-state all $CONTRACT $NODE # note that we prefix the key "config" with two bytes indicating it's length # echo -n config | xxd -ps # gives 636f6e666967 # thus we have a key 0006636f6e666967 # you can also query one key directly wasmd query wasm contract-state raw $CONTRACT 0006636f6e666967 $NODE --hex # Note that keys are hex encoded, and val is base64 encoded. # To view the returned data (assuming it is ascii), try something like: # (Note that in many cases the binary data returned is non in ascii format, thus the encoding) wasmd query wasm contract-state all $CONTRACT $NODE | jq -r '.[0].key' | xxd -r -ps wasmd query wasm contract-state all $CONTRACT $NODE | jq -r '.[0].val' | base64 -d # or try a "smart query", executing against the contract wasmd query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT '{}' $NODE # (since we didn't implement any valid QueryMsg, we just get a parse error back)

Once we have the funds in the escrow, let us try to release them. First, failing to do so with a key that is not the verifier, then using the proper key to release.

Copy # execute fails if wrong person APPROVE='{"approve":{"quantity":[{"amount":"50000","denom":"umayo"}]}}' wasmd tx wasm execute $CONTRACT "$APPROVE" \ --from thief $TXFLAG -y # looking at the logs should show: "execute wasm contract failed: Unauthorized" # and bob should still be broke (and broken showing the account does not exist Error) wasmd query account $(wasmd keys show bob -a) $NODE # but succeeds when fred tries wasmd tx wasm execute $CONTRACT "$APPROVE" \ --from fred $TXFLAG -y wasmd query account $(wasmd keys show bob -a) $NODE # contract coins must be empty wasmd query account $CONTRACT $NODE

# Node Console

If you set up the Node Console / REPL in the client setup section, you can use that to deploy and execute your contract. I think you will find that JSON manipulation and parsing is a bit nicer in JavaScript than in Shell Script.

First, go to the cli directory and start up your console:

The command below is obsolete and updated soon.

Copy npx @cosmjs/cli@^0.23 --init https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CosmWasm/testnets/master/heldernet/cli_helper.ts

Now, we make all the keys and initialize clients:

Copy const fredSeed = loadOrCreateMnemonic("fred.key"); const {address: fredAddr, client: fredClient} = await connect(fredSeed, {}); // bob doesn't have a client here as we will not // submit any tx with this account, just query balance const bobSeed = loadOrCreateMnemonic("bob.key"); const bobAddr = await mnemonicToAddress("muffin fix provide project obtain......", bobSeed); const thiefSeed = loadOrCreateMnemonic("thief.key"); const {address: thiefAddr, client: thiefClient} = await connect(thiefSeed, {}); console.log(fredAddr, bobAddr, thiefAddr);

Hit the faucet it needed for fred, so he has tokens to submit transactions:

Copy fredClient.getAccount(); // if "undefined", do the following hitFaucet(defaultFaucetUrl, fredAddr, "umayo") fredClient.getAccount(); thiefClient.getAccount(); // if "undefined", do the following hitFaucet(defaultFaucetUrl, thiefAddr, "umayo") thiefClient.getAccount(); // check bobAddr has no funds fredClient.getAccount(bobAddr); // get the working directory (needed later) process.cwd()

# Uploading with JS

Now, we go back to the Node console and upload the contract and instantiate it:

Copy const wasm = fs.readFileSync('contract.wasm'); // you can add extra information to contract details such as source and builder. const up = await fredClient.upload(wasm, { source: "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/cw-escrow/0.7.0/download", builder: "cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.10.7"}); console.log(up); const { codeId } = up; const initMsg = {arbiter: fredAddr, recipient: bobAddr}; const { contractAddress } = await fredClient.instantiate(codeId, initMsg, "Escrow 1", { memo: "memo", transferAmount: [{denom: "umayo", amount: "50000"}]}); // check the contract is set up properly console.log(contractAddress); fredClient.getContract(contractAddress); fredClient.getAccount(contractAddress); // make a raw query - key length prefixed "config" const key = new Uint8Array([0, 6, ...toAscii("config")]); const raw = await fredClient.queryContractRaw(contractAddress, key); JSON.parse(fromUtf8(raw)) // note the addresses are stored in base64 internally, not bech32, but the data is there... this is why we often implement smart queries on real contracts

# Executing Contract with JS

Once we have properly configured the contract, let's show how to use it, both the proper "approve" command:

Copy const approve = {approve: {quantity: [{amount: "50000", denom: "umayo"}]}}; // thief cannot approve thiefClient.execute(contractAddress, approve) // but fred can (and moves money to bob) fredClient.execute(contractAddress, approve); // verify bob got the tokens fredClient.getAccount(bobAddr); // verify contract lost fredClient.getAccount(contractAddress);